4 Fara Dabhoiwala Accidental Gods: On Men Unwittingly Turned Divine by Anna Della Subin
8 Susan Tallman Jasper Johns: Mind /Mirror an exhibition at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Whitney
Museum of American Art, New York City
Catalog of the exhibition by Carlos Basualdo and Scott Rothkopf
11 James McAuley Who Does Éric Zemmour Speak For?
15 Anahid Nersessian The End of Love: A Sociology of Negative Relations by Eva Illouz
17 James Shapiro The Tragedy of Macbeth a film written and directed by Joel Coen
19 E. Tammy Kim Palimpsest: Documents from a Korean Adoption by Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom
Older Sister. Not Necessarily Related. by Jenny Heijun Wills
All You Can Ever Know by Nicole Chung
22 Geoffrey O’Brien Eurydice an opera by Matthew Aucoin, with a libretto by Sarah Ruhl, at the Metropolitan Opera,
New York City
The Impossible Art: Adventures in Opera by Matthew Aucoin
23 Cyrus Console Poem
24 Anne Enright Dubliners: Ulysses at 100
26 Sean Wilentz Liberty Is Sweet: The Hidden History of the American Revolution by Woody Holton
American Republics: A Continental History of the United States, 1783 – 1850 by Alan Taylor
29 Rivka Galchen Raymie Nightingale by Kate DiCamillo
Louisiana’s Way Home by Kate DiCamillo
Beverly, Right Here by Kate DiCamillo
34 Andrew Martin James Castle: Memory Palace by John Beardsley
36 Caroline Fraser My First Thirty Years by Gertrude Beasley, with a foreword by Nina Bennett
Pity the Beast by Robin McLean
38 Maya C. Popa Poem
39 Dan Rockmore 99 Variations on a Proof by Philip Ording
42 Ian Frazier We Had a Little Real Estate Problem: The Unheralded Story of Native Americans in Comedy
by Kliph Nesteroff
The Comedians: Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy
by Kliph Nesteroff
46 Nathan Whitlock Yellow Notebook: Diaries Volume I, 1978 –1987 by Helen Garner
One Day I’ll Remember This: Diaries Volume II, 1987–1995 by Helen Garner
49 Fintan O’Toole ‘Arum Arum Araaaaaagh’: Boris Johnson’s Wild Ride
55 Gary Saul Morson To Break Russia’s Chains: Boris Savinkov and His Wars Against the Tsar and the Bolsheviks
by Vladimir Alexandrov
Pale Horse: A Novel of Revolutionary Russia by Boris Savinkov, translated from the Russian
by Michael R. Katz and with an introduction by Otto Boele
58 Jacqueline Rose The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas by Robert Zaretsky
61 Kwame Anthony Appiah The Roots of Inequality: An Exchange with David Wengrow
Maya Chung and Lucy Jakub, Associate Editors; Nawal Arjini and Willa Glickman, Assistant Editors; Sable Gravesandy and Anacaona Rodriguez Martinez,
Editorial Interns; Sylvia Lonergan, Researcher; Will Palmer, Copyeditor; Daniel Drake, Production Editor; Will Simpson, Type Production; Kazue Jensen,
Production; Maryanne Chaney, Web Production Coordinator; Sharmaine Ong, Advertising Associate; Nicholas During, Publicity; Nancy Ng, Design Director; Janice
Fellegara, Director of Marketing and Planning; Janis Harden, Fulfillment Director; Andrea Moore, Assistant Circulation Manager; Matthew Howard, Editorial
Director, Digital; Angela Hederman, Special Projects; Diane R. Seltzer, Office Manager; Patrick Hederman, Rights; Max Margenau, Comptroller; Vanity Luciano,
Assistant Accountant; Teddy Wright, Receptionist. Matt Seaton, Editor
On the cover: Mamma Andersson, Headless Man in Jacket, 2015. © Mamma Andersson/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/Bildupphovsrätt, Sweden. Courtesy of the
artist, Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, and David Zwirner. Photo by Mark Blower. The artworks on pages 8, 9, and 10 are © 2021 Jasper Johns/VAG A at Artists Rights
Society (ARS), New York.
The New York Review of Books (ISSN 0028-7504), published 20 times a year, monthly in January, July, August, and September; semi-monthly in February, March, April,
May, June, October, November, and December. NYREV, Inc., 435 Hudson Street, Suite 300, New York, NY 10014-3994. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY 10001
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Editor: Emily Greenhouse
Deputy Editor: Michael Shae
Executive Editor: Jana Prikryl
Senior Editors: Eve Bowen, Julie Just, Andrew Katzenstein, Hasan Altaf
Contributing Editors: Prudence Crowther, Gabriel Winslow-Yost
Art Editor: Leanne Shapton
Founding Editors : Robert B. Silvers (1929–2017)
Barbara Epstein (1928–2006)
Publisher: Rea S. Hederman
Associate Publisher, Business Operations: Michael King
Advertising Director: Lara Frohlich Andersen
Editor-at-Large: Daniel Mendelsohn
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A History from Socrates
to Social Media
“The best history of free speech
ever written and the best defense
of free speech ever made.”
“A lot of people now claim that
free speech is a danger to
democracy or social inclusion.
In this vital book, which is as
entertaining as it is erudite,
Jacob Mchangama shows why
that is dead wrong.”
author of The Great Experiment
“Jacob Mchangama’s panoramic
exploration of the history of free
speech o ers a vivid, highly
readable account of how today’s
most pitched battles over free
speech refl ect tensions and
impulses that are as old as
history itself.”
CEO of PEN America