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meditative exercises to destroy and transcend life, nature
and the soul. In this phase the bearer of androcentric
power is the ascetic holy man or Arhat.

  1. In Mahayana, the “Great Vehicle”, flight from women is
    succeeded by compassion for them. The woman is to be
    freed from her physical body, and the Mahayana monk
    selflessly helps her to prepare for the necessary
    transformation, so that she can become a man in her next
    reincarnation. The feminine is thus still considered inferior
    and despicable, as that which must be sacrificed in order to
    be transformed into something purely masculine. In both
    founding philosophical schools of Mahayana Buddhism
    (Madhyamika and Yogachara), life, nature, the body and the
    soul are accordingly sacrificed to the absolute spirit (citta).
    The bearer of androcentric power in this phase is the
    “Savior” or Bodhisattva.

  2. In [Buddhist] Tantrism or Vajrayana, the tantric master
    (yogi) exchanges compassion with the woman for absolute
    control over the feminine. With sexual magic rites he
    elevates the woman to the status of a goddess in order to
    subsequently offer her up as a real or symbolic sacrifice.
    The beneficiary of this sacrifice is not some god, but the
    yogi himself, since he absorbs within himself the complete
    life energy^1 of the sacrifice.

If, as the adherents of Buddhist Tantrism claim, a logic
of development pertains between the various stages of

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