Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


Yet what if all seemingly localised and point-like
centres or ‘subjects’ of awareness are the expression of
non-local fields of awareness or subjectivity?
What if subjective awareness is not a blank sheet on
which we passively register sensory impressions coming
from perceptual objects – but has its own innate sensuous
qualities and patterns – for example the subjectively sensed
lightness or darkness, colour and tone, levity or gravity of
our moods, the subjectively sensed dullness or clarity of
minds, the subjectively sensed size and weight, solidity or
fragility of our bodies, or our subjectively sensed closeness
or distance, warmth or coolness towards other beings?
What if such sensed qualities and patterns of subjective
awareness as such are the source of all ‘objective’ energetic
and perceptual patterns or ‘gestalts’? What if ‘the soul’ is
nothing supra-sensuous, insubstantial or disembodied, but
is instead the bodily shape and form taken by such innate
field-patterns and field-qualities of awareness?
What if the very substantiality of our bodies themselves
is the sensed and sensual substantiality not of some
material body or object of perception but of subjectivity or
awareness as such?
What if all the sensory qualities of nature are the
expression of ‘soul qualities’ – innate qualities of subjective
awareness? What if these sensual qualities of the human
being’s soul nature can link us directly with the very
inwardness or soul of nature itself? Then and only then,

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