Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

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Hinduism and Theocratic Socialism

“In humanity's evolution towards the ideal society the
democratic order of ancient India, run on the principle of
autonomous, self-governed polities, stands as an
experiment splendid and unique. Sri Aurobindo considered
caturvarnya [the four-caste model] to be a socialistic
institution; inequality was external and accidental. He wrote
that socialism (the solution to the economic impasse
designed to concentrate on the inner progress of
individuals) is essentially Asiatic and particularly Indian, and
that democracy will never be fulfilled without it. Sri
Aurobindo trusted that, by rediscovering the way to attune
the world to Spirit, India will find the secret order for
which socialism struggles. Turning humanity's most
precious energies to its highest development, each member
of the community exists for the welfare of all. Sanatana
Dharma is the creed, God in humanity, humanity in God.
He asked for ‘the eternal religion' to be applied to
contemporary politics, reshaping them into an ethical and
spiritual pursuit.”

Auroville Today

Early civilisations such as those of Mesopotamia, the
Indus Valley and Egypt are also the only civilisations
actually described by historians using the term ‘theocratic
socialism’ – indeed it is only in the context of such

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