Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


scientific and theocratic socialism rooted in Hinduism.
What the Sumerians termed their ‘MEs’ (pronounced
‘mays’) and India civilisation called ‘tantras’ were
practical spiritual-scientific blueprints, building blocks
and foundation stones of this sort. Their ‘spiritual-
scientific’ character lay in the fact that they were rooted
in what ‘subjective science’ as opposed to so-called
‘objective’ science. ‘Subjective science’ means science
sourced in inner, subjective knowledge and in subjective
or ‘phenomenological’ research. Subjective science and
research alone is true science and research – for it alone
is rooted in a recognition of the essentially subjective
nature of reality as such. The different fields and
applications of subjective science are unified by a single
principle – what I call The Awareness Principle. This
radical principle of life, science and religion, rooted in
Hindu religious philosophy, is the sole possible principle
capable of uniting our understanding of social life,
science and religion. It does so through the
understanding that subjectivity or awareness is not a by-
product of matter or the private property of any being –
human or divine. Instead it is the divine source of all
beings and all worlds.
Along with The Awareness Principle goes the
recognition that ‘God’ is not a supreme being ‘with’
awareness. Instead God is awareness, an awareness that
is infinite and unbounded – and not the private property

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