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(singke) #1

gnosis) and not on military, political or economic might
alone. Yet the knowledge borne by humanity’s ancient
ruler-priests or priest-kings was not second-hand
knowledge of the sort that today’s self-styled Christian,
Islamists or atheistic scientists theocrats borrow from
their Bibles, Korans or textbooks. Instead it was an in-
born and intuitive bodily knowledge – genetically
inherited from previous incarnations and/or genetically
imprinted by their soul in the life between lives.
Today true science or knowledge – understood as
subjective knowledge has given way to an identification
of knowledge and science with objectivity. Today’s
objective’ sciences seek to reduce all meaningful
qualitative dimensions of human subjective experience to
measurable objects or statistical quantities. Such is the
bizarre mentality of these sciences that they would treat
the purely quantitative measurement and models of the
chemical constituents of oranges as more important and
‘real’ than any direct qualitative experience of their taste

  • as if the latter were ‘merely’ subjective. Such sciences
    are brought to the absurd position of having to invent
    absurd quasi-objective ‘explanations’ – whether genetic,
    evolutionary or neurological for basic subjective
    experiences such as love. In principle, modern science,
    far from being ‘materialistic’ or even oriented to
    perceptible objects is ‘idealistic’ in the extreme – seeing
    its own abstract scientific models and mathematical

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