Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

their wares or works of art for the use and value of their
communities but rather as mere saleable commodities for a
local and global market. It is in this way that the ancient
theocratic socialism of India and Hindu religious monism
have given way to capitalism and to ‘The Monotheism of
Money’ – certainly the biggest and most backward social,
economic and religious revolution ever to occur in Indian
history. For as Marx himself noted, before capitalism made
its inroads into India through the East India Company and
the British Empire – leading ultimately to the disastrous
division of India – all previous invaders, no matter how
superior in military might, had found themselves
unwittingly influenced – Hinduised – by the superior
culture of their own ‘conquered’ subjects. Can the same
happen again? Not through the recreation of an ancient
Indian theocracy but only through the globalisation of a
new Hinduism – one that does not oppose but incorporates
the historical insights of Marxism.

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