Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

Hinduism, Nazism and the Indo-Germanic Connection.............................

Historic Parallels

Just as Indian society was for long divided into separate
village communities and clans so was Germany long
divided by different kinship or locality based tribes and
communities. Just like India, Germany was also late in
developing itself as a unified capitalist nation state. Just as
India suffered the humiliations of colonialism, so did
Germany suffer the humiliations of Versailles. Just as India
is dangerously divided by nationalist Hindu parties of the
religious right and those of the Marxist left, so was
Germany dangerously divided between a Nazi party
claiming to represent the ‘spiritual soul’ of the people or
Volk as a whole and Marxist parties claiming to represent
the interest of the oppressed working class in particular.
Whereas the Marxist parties sought to establish, through
international revolution, the rule of the working class, the
Nazis or ‘national socialists’ sought to establish an
autocratic state based on a militaristic ruling caste defined by
its superior ‘Aryan’ origins and serving to protect the
‘Aryan’ character of the people as a whole. Just as Hitler
foresaw the rise of a great Indian leader or Führer who
would create a new Aryan empire governing the entire
Asian sub-continent, so did certain Hindus – notably Savitri

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