Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


Sayings from the Hindu Kashmiri Sages ..........................................................

Awareness is nature of the Self.

Awareness, Shiva, is the soul of the world.

Thus identifying with the universal awareness and
attaining divine bliss, from where or from whom
should one get scared?

For the yogi who has attained the state of Bhairava
[simultaneous awareness of their outer and inner
experiencing] the entire world [outer as well as inner]
is experienced as their body.

from the Shiva Sutras of Vasugupta

The entire world is the play of the universal awareness.

One who sees it in this way becomes liberated while in
the body.

Meditate on one’s own body as the universe,
and as having the nature of awareness.

The yogi is always mindful of that witnessing
awareness which alone is the subject of everything,
which is always a subject and never an object.

Whether outside or inside, Shiva [pure awareness] is

The yogi should contemplate the entirety of open
space (or sky) as the essence of Bhairava [Shiva].
Meditate on space as omnipresent and free of all

Meditate on the skin as being like an outer wall with
nothing within it.

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