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(singke) #1

About Acharya Peter Wilberg............................................................................

There are many who follow ‘yogic’ and ‘tantric’
practices derived from Indian religious traditions, just as
there are teachers all over the world who seek to transmit
the deeper wisdom of those traditions, and those who
study and research these traditions as devoted scholars. Yet
it is rare to find writings such as those of Acharya Peter
Wilberg – which offer a new bridge between in-depth
scholarly and philosophical study of such traditions on the
one hand, and their exposition and experiential practice in
different contemporary schools of yoga on the other.
Fewer still are teachers and authors who do not merely
write ‘on’ or ‘about’ these traditions, but instead are able to
offer a wholly original contribution to them, intuitively re-
conceiving both their philosophy and practices – and doing
so from direct meditational experiences of a new sort as
well as deep study and broad learning. Acharya Peter
Wilberg is one of these rare few. That is why, amidst the
mountains of literature and thousands of courses and
websites on ‘Yoga’ and ‘Tantra’, the teachings of Acharya
Peter Wilberg on ‘The New Yoga’ do indeed have
something fundamentally new to say, not least about the
very meaning of such basic terms as ‘Yoga’ and ‘Tantra’,
‘Vedanta’ and ‘Advaita’, ‘Meditation’ and ‘Mindfulness’,
‘Prana’, ‘Kundalini’ etc. That is because his aim has always

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