Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

The Ocean of Awareness.....................................................................................

Just as an ocean is the source of all the fish and other
life forms within it, so is the Awareness that IS ‘God’ the
source of all beings within it. All beings dwell within this
Divine Awareness as all fish dwell within the ocean. And
just as fish are formed from the very stuff of the ocean, so
are all beings formed from the divine God-stuff of
awareness. All the fish and life forms within the ocean are
connected to one another through it, not just because they
all dwell within it, but because they are all self-expressions
of it. Similarly, all beings are connected to one another both
outwardly and inwardly. They are connected outwardly
because they all dwell within the Divine Awareness, and
connected inwardly because the essential Self of each being
is its nature as a Self-expression of the same Divine
Awareness. Yet if God is the Divine Awareness, and this
Awareness is compared in this way to an ocean, then it
makes no more sense to think of God as a single being, than
it does to think of the ocean as a single supreme fish.

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