Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

The historical Evolution of Human Awareness ...............................................

If you turn a corner at a crossroads, the road you see
ahead of you is now different from what you beheld before
you took the turning. And were you to stop and look back,
the road behind you would not be the same road you had
been travelling before turning the corner. Imagine however
that you had forgotten the turn you had taken, and believed
firmly that the road behind and ahead of you had always
been exactly as you saw them right now – from your
current perspective and in terms of the current direction or
‘road’ being taken by your awareness. This is exactly the
way humanity views its past and future ‘history’ – from the
current nature of human awareness and the current road it
is taking – quite unaware of previous turning points in the
evolutionary road of that awareness.

The most crucial such turning point was the evolution
of ego-awareness – which is why we falsely imagine all past
human beings to have perceived the world in the same ego-
centred way that we do today, and why today’s scientists,
scholars and philosophers can no longer understand
ancient religions and philosophies that arose from a
completely different type of awareness. In the forgotten
‘pre-history’ of human awareness – long before the
development of ego-awareness – human beings had a
completely different awareness of space, time and of

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