Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1

those who could do so could truly ‘hit’ their target with
their spears, bows and arrows. As they learned to do so, it
was not only human beings who changed, but the world
too and the other creatures within it. Like human beings,
the predecessors of our pigs formed physical bodies from
their dream bodies or soul bodies. These were bodies that
could be and were ‘killed’ by other creatures and by human
beings, albeit with the full awareness that no being can ever
be killed, for its ‘spirit’ survives, and does so with its own
dream body or soul body fully intact.

This turning point in the evolution of human
awareness had already been reached by what we see today
as early or ‘prehistoric’ man. What is not recognised is that
the earliest civilisations called upon higher powers and the
powers of their own awareness to imbue matter itself with
greater solidity and durability. Their ruler priests however,
necessarily formed a separate ‘caste’ of their own, distinct
from hunters, farmers or warriors, for it was their task to
forge religious and artistic cultures that still preserved a
deeper, spiritual awareness of time, the gods and creation
of a sort that preceded ego-awareness. From it they also
seeded sciences and technologies that drew directly from
this older awareness. Some of these ruler-priests were
indeed ‘gods’ incarnate – higher consciousnesses from
other planes, planets and dimensions of reality, disguised in
human form. Without their knowledge, humanity would
have made no agricultural, cultural, intellectual or technical

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