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(singke) #1

Revolution as ‘Kaliyoga’ – the new Yoga of Time............................................

Time is not an ‘objective’ function or property of
anything that is – of ‘being’ – but a mode of subjective
awareness of what is. Yet if our lives consist of nothing but
constant movement from ‘one thing to another’ – one
activity or focus of awareness to another – then we remain
fettered to ego-consciousness, with its constricted
experience of time as a mere one-dimensional line in
‘space-time’. This one-dimensional experience of time quite
literally offers no time for a type of free and unfocussed
awareness – one that could allow us to experience time
itself as an expansive space of awareness – as ‘time-space’.
That is why ‘going from one thing to another’ – from one
focus of awareness or action to another, is the very
opposite of living a meditative life – a life of freedom and
awareness. For it deprives us of what is most essential to
life and time quality – namely taking time for a free and
unfocussed awareness of all there is to be aware of – all there is
to reflect on, look back on, look forward to and enjoy.

Today’s global business culture however, is one of
incessant busyness – a constant ‘going from one thing to
another’. This culture of busyness expresses the very
essence of the capitalist business and economic system –
which demands that people sell their time to an employer –

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