Microsoft Word - Hinduism formatted.doc

(singke) #1


expanded time-space also encompasses and embraces every
possible focus of our life and awareness – past, present and
future – it is a source of fresh creative insights and
impulses to action of a sort that do not arise from a
narrow, single-pointed focus or concentration of
awareness, however intense. Yet this time-space of pure,
unfocussed awareness cannot be opened up in everyday life
without practicing daily ‘meditation’ in a specific way – not
just at the beginning or end of the day – but between each
period of focussed awareness and activity that we engage in
during the day.

This meditative discipline or ‘yoga of time’ is by nature
subversive and revolutionary. It is a Kali Yoga (from the Sanskrit
kal – ‘time’) for the Kali Yuga – that age which is above all
characterised by a global capitalist culture designed
precisely to keep people bound in a constant state of
busyness – one in which they busily go ‘from one thing to
another’ without ever giving themselves time to come to
rest within that unbounded cosmic time-space or
circumference of awareness that is the womb of the Great
Mother goddess – Ma Kali.

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