nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)
he truth of Christmas is that whilst we may picture thetraditional celebration with a nuclear family gatheredaround a tree or glowing hearth, for most this festivetime of year is more nuanced. Children might haveflown the nest, leaving parents and grandparents to spend the dayon their own; extended families might be spread across continents,and many will juggle both distance and time with new partnersand associated family. This, of course, does not count catching up``````with old friends who might be visiting, or building in a few quietmoments to oneself to contemplate the closing of the year.There are myriad ways to mark the season, with each celebrationas unique as the circumstances and individuals that make it. Withsome preparation and lateral thinking, it is possible to tailorChristmas festivities to the situation, be it a large and extravagantbash for everyone in the address book, an intimate gathering withimmediate family, or a happy holiday with like-minded friends. ï´
OccasionsFOR REJOICINGNo matter what the scale of your celebrations, there is alwaysfun to be had at this most wonderful time of year``````Red berry and clovegarland, £20; luxurycharity postcard cards,£4 for six; luxury charitywreath cards,£4 for six, all Tesco
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