Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Table 4.2 Examples of mutation of the enzyme CYP450

enzyme Prototype substrate Allele Mutation
CYP2D6 Debrisoquine 2XN Genetic duplication
4 Defective splicing
10 Gene deletion and single amino acid
17 Single amino acid substitution
CYP2C19 S-mephenytoin 2 Aberrant splice site
3 Premature stop codon
CYP2C9 Phenytoin, tolbutamide,

2 and 3 Single amino acid substitution leading to
altered substrate specifi city
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Isoform of CYP450

Frequency distribution of
drugs metabolized (%)
CYP3A4 50
CYP2D6 20
CYP2C9 10
CYP2C19 5
and unidentifi ed forms


Total 100
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Table 4.3 Frequency
distribution of drugs
metabolized by major
isoforms of CYP450

Amiadarone Fluvoxamine Phenacetin
Amitriptyline Haloperidol Phenformin
Carvedilol Imipramine Propafenone
Chloropromazine Indoramin Propanolol
Clomipramine Mefl oquine Quinidine
Clopidogrel Methoxyphenamine Risperidone
Clozapine Metoprolol Sertraline
Codeine Nortriptyline Tamadol
Desipramine Olanzapine Tamoxifen
Diltiazem Paroxetine Thioridazine
Encainide Perazine Timolol
Flencainide Perhexilene Tropisetron
Fluoxetine Perphenazine Venlafl axine
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Table 4.4 Commonly
prescribed medications,
which are metabolized
by CYP2D6

4 Pharmacogenetics
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