Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


platform used to generate profi les is that the analytical variation introduced postcol-
lection be less than the typical variation in the normal population of interest, so as
not to reduce signifi cantly the opportunity to detect treatment/group-related differ-
ences. Fulfi lling this condition is very dependent on the actual system and question
in hand and is probably best tested in each new application.
In both preclinical screening and mechanistic exploration, metabolic profi ling
can offer rapid, noninvasive toxicological information that is robust and reproduc-
ible, with little or no added technical resources to existing studies in drug metabo-
lism and toxicity. Extended into the assessment of effi cacy and toxicity in the clinic,
metabonomics may prove crucial in making personalized therapy and pharmacoge-
nomics a reality.

Metabonomics/Metabolomics and Personalized Nutrition

Metabometrix (London, UK) specializes in metabonomics. The company believes
that it is possible to profi le metabolic diseases before symptoms appear. Metabonomic
testing is important in obesity/metabolic syndromes, in which several metabolic
pathways interact to produce symptoms and could be an important guide to select
diets and exercise programs tailored to metabolic states.
It is considered desirable to establish a human “metabonome” parallel to human
genome and proteome but it will be a formidable undertaking requiring analysis of
at least half a million people. Some projects are examining metabonomic patterns in
series of patients with metabolic syndromes and comparing them with normal peo-
ple. Other studies are examining how a person’s unique metabonomic profi le can be
used as a guide to personalize diet and exercise regimens for obesity.
It is now possible to measure hundreds or thousands of metabolites in small
samples of biological fl uids or tissues. This enables assessment of the metabolic
component of nutritional phenotypes and will enable individualized dietary recom-
mendations. The relation between diet and metabolomic profi les as well as between
those profi les and health and disease needs to be established. Appropriate technolo-
gies should be developed and that metabolic databases are constructed with the right
inputs and organization. Moreover, social implications of these advances and plan
for their appropriate utilization should be considered.


Bijlsma S, Bobeldijk I, Verheij ER, et al. Large-scale human metabolomics studies: a strategy for
data (pre-) processing and validation. Anal Chem. 2006;78:567–74.
Clayton TA, Baker D, Lindon JC, et al. Pharmacometabonomic identifi cation of a signifi cant
host- microbiome metabolic interaction affecting human drug metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci
U S A. 2009;106:14728–33.

7 Role of Metabolomics in Personalized Medicine
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