Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1

treatment with Poteligeo to enable identifi cation of patients who would benefi t
from the drug. Poteligeo Test IHC is for use on tissue samples, such as lymph
nodes whereas Poteligeo Test FCM uses fl ow cytometry to analyze blood samples
from patients.

Molecular Profi ling of Cancer

Profi ling of the 60 human cancer cell lines (the NCI-60) is being used by the NCI’s
Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) to screen >100,000 chemically
defi ned compounds and natural product extracts since 1990. In statistical and
machine- learning analyses, the screening data have proved rich in information
about drug mechanisms of action and resistance. The NCI-60 panel already consti-
tutes by far the most comprehensively profi led set of cells in existence, and much
more molecular profi le information on them is coming. The data have already
yielded considerable biological and biomedical insight, but we have only scratched
the surface thus far. The real value is realized when biomedical scientists with par-
ticular domain expertise are able to integrate and use the information fl uently for
hypothesis generation, hypothesis-testing. Given the large drug activity database,
the NCI- 60 cell line panel provides a unique opportunity for the enrichment of
pharmacologic hypotheses and for advances toward the goal of personalized medi-
cine (Weinstein 2006 ).

Targeted Cancer Therapies

Targeted cancer therapy means selective action against molecular targets expressed
in tumors. Conventional small-molecular therapy is usually targeted through selec-
tive action on the molecular machinery of the targeted cells. Targeted therapy also
refers to screening patients so as to increase effectiveness of some form of therapy.
Targeting reduces failure in both the drug development clinical research as well as
postmarketing phases.

Targeting Glycoproteins on Cell Surface

The biochemical signature that distinguishes cancer cells from normal cells is often
carried on the outside of the cell membrane in the form of glycoproteins. These cell
surface proteins are decorated with sugar chains in distinctive arrangements (or epi-
topes) that serve as therapeutic targets (or antigens) for agents such as monoclonal
antibodies. Carbohydrates are also promising candidates for cancer control because
they are present on cell surface and act as identifi cation tags, through which they

Targeted Cancer Therapies

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