Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Role of Systems Biology in Personalized Medicine

Systems biology is defi ned as the biology of dynamic interacting networks. It is also
referred to as pathway, network, or integrative biology. An analysis of the structure
and dynamics of network of interacting elements provides insights that are not obvi-
ous from analysis of the isolated components of the system. This requires that the
biological frontiers drive the development of new measurement and visualization
technologies and the pioneering of new computational and mathematical tools − all
of which requires a cross-disciplinary environment composed of biologists, chem-
ists, computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians, physicists, and physicians
speaking common discipline languages. The combination of high-throughput meth-
ods of molecular biology with advanced mathematical and computational tech-
niques has made it possible to screen and analyze the expression of entire genomes,
simultaneously assess large numbers of proteins and their prevalence, and charac-
terize in detail the metabolic state of a cell population. Complementing large- scale
assessments, there are more subtle analyses that rationalize the design and function-
ing of biological modules in exquisite detail. This intricate side of systems biology
aims at identifying the specifi c roles of processes and signals in smaller, fully regu-
lated systems by computing what would happen if these signals were lacking or
organized in a different fashion. The elucidation of this system requires high-
precision, dynamic in vivo metabolite data, combined with methods of nonlinear
systems analysis, and may serve as a paradigm for multidisciplinary approaches to
fi ne-scaled systems biology.
The emergence of systems biology is bringing forth a new set of challenges for
advancing science and technology. Defi ning ways of studying biological systems on
a global level, integrating large and disparate data types, and dealing with the infra-
structural changes necessary to carry out systems biology, are just a few of the
extraordinary tasks of this growing discipline. Despite these challenges, the impact
of systems biology will be far-reaching, and signifi cant progress has already been
made. Moving forward, the issue of how to use systems biology to improve the
health of individuals must be a priority. It is becoming increasingly apparent that the
fi eld of systems biology will have a major role in creating a predictive, personalized,
preventive, and participatory (P4) approach to medicine (Galas and Hood 2009 ). It
will also facilitate the transfer of technologies relevant to personalized medicine
from preclinical to clinical phase.
Systems biology can facilitate the development of personalized medicine by
identifi cation of the biological networks in which SNPs associated with the response
to therapy exert their infl uence. It may help in determining how SNPs modify key
biological processes such as cell differentiation, apoptosis and cell communication.
Identifi cation of the role of multiple SNPs in modifying the function of signaling
pathways, which are implicated in complex disease pathogenesis, may enable
development of interventions that are required to change from the non-responder to
the responder status of a patient.

1 Basic Aspects
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