Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Body time (BT) , 181
Bortezomib , 333
BRACAnalysis Rearrangement Test (BART) , 298
Brain cancer management
biosimulation approach , 279–280
EGFR inhibitors , 286–287
methylation testing , 286
GAPVAC , 282–283
genetics and genomics , 281–282
germ cell tumors , 290
glioblastoma multiforme
bioinformatic approach , 279
cancer stem cells , 287
drug resistance , 280
epigenetic biomarkers , 285
IDH1 genotype and survival , 286
multigene predictor , 285–286
prognosis of , 283–284
tumor-initiating cells , 278
LGG , 287–288
malignant gliomas , 291–292
medulloblastomas , 290
meningiomas , 291
molecular diagnostics
diffusion MRI , 284
neuroimaging and DNA microarray
analysis , 284
proteomics , 285
neuroblastomas , 289
OTs , 288–289
viral gene therapy , 280
Breast cancer management , 316–318
adverse reaction, radiotherapy , 308
capecitabine , 293
categories , 292
AGTR1 antagonists , 304
anti-estrogen drugs , 303
estrogen receptor mRNA , 305
gene subtype predictor , 305–306
NQO1 enzyme , 304
paclitaxel and PET , 303
PEPI score , 304–305
p63/p73 pathway, cisplatin , 303–304
resistance to , 306–307
tamoxifen response , 305
taxane-anthracycline , 302–303
trastuzumab treatment , 302
CTCs monitoring , 300–301
gene expression and conventional
predictors , 294–295
HER2/neu-derived peptide vaccine , 297
HER2 testing , 295–297

MammaPrint test , 309
MMTV-Myc mammary tumor , 318
molecular diagnostics
BRACAnalysis , 297–298
FAST , 298
gene expression profi ling , 299–300
NGS technology , 298
real time-qPCR assays , 298–299
TOP 20 model , 300
Oncotype DX™ , 308–309
pharmacogenetics , 301
PI3K pathway , 292–293
prognostic tests
gene biomarkers , 311
Insight™Dx Mammostrat™ , 312
marker assays , 310
MetaStat™ breast cancer test , 312–313
multi-gene expression , 311–312
TaqMan non-coding RNA assays , 312
Prosigna Breast Cancer Prognostic Gene
Signature Assay , 309
proteomics , 301–302
racial factors , 313
RATHER consortium , 313–314
TAILORx study , 314
tamoxifen treatment , 315
TargetPrint ® , 309
TOP2A FISH pharmDx test , 309–310
triple-negative tumors , 293
Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) , 276
Bucindolol , 491

Canada, personalized medicine
CARTaGENE project , 634
OICR , 644–646
PMPC , 646
Quebec Center of Excellence in
Personalized Medicine , 646–647
Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) ,
Cancer Genome Characterization Centers , 366
Cancer Genomics Program , 645
Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) , 207
Cancer signaling bridges (CSBs) , 270–271
Cancer Stem Cell Program , 645
Cancer therapy
anticancer personalized medicines , 236, 237
HER-2/neu oncogene , 220
L-ASP treatment , 220–221
oncogene GOLPH3 , 221
PARE , 222

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