Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Cancer therapy (cont.)
pancreatic cancer ( see Pancreatic cancer)
PI3K-AKT pathway , 236
PREDICT consortium , 370
prostate cancer ( see Prostate cancer
Q-CROC , 370
radiation therapy , 253–254
non-Hodgkin lymphoma , 255
radiation sensitivity biomarkers , 255
risk assessment and prevention , 218–219
sequencing role in , 262–263
stem cell-based gene therapy , 193–194
stem cells , 258
systems biology , 200, 201
technologies , 201–202
thyroid cancer ( see Thyroid cancer)
TRAIL , 227–228
Cancer vaccines
adoptive cell therapy
antiangiogenic agents , 248–249
B cell malignancies,
human T cells , 249
EBV-specifi c CTL , 248
features , 247
hybrid cell vaccination approach , 250
tumor cells, genetic engineering of , 250
antigen-specifi c vaccines , 240–241
clinical trials , 251–253
dendritic cell-based vaccines , 244–245
DCVax , 245
gene therapy techniques , 245–246
Imetelstat , 245
tumor cells, fusion of , 246
dinitrophenyl (DNP) , 243
FANG™ vaccine , 242
melacine melanoma , 244
MyVax ® , 242–243
OncoVAX ® , 243
peptide-based vaccines , 250–251
Prophage , 243–244
CAP. See Community-acquired
pneumonia (CAP)
Capecitabine , 224, 293
Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion
molecule 6 (CEACAM6) , 311
Cardiac transplantation , 559–560
CardioDx Corus CAD test , 617
coronary heart disease , 480
gene polymorphisms , 479, 480
microarrays and SAGE , 479
molecular genetic technologies , 479

myocardial infarction , 480
systolic dysfunction , 480
Cardiovascular disorders
biomarkers , 488
coronary heart disease and myocardial
infarction , 480
gene polymorphisms , 479, 480
microarrays and SAGE , 479
molecular genetic technologies , 479
systolic dysfunction , 480
chronic myocardial ischemia , 489–490
genetic component
cholesterol tests , 487
gene mutations, CHD risk , 482, 484
KIF6 gene test, heart disease , 485
long Q-T syndrome , 482
Lp-PLA2 , 487
MONICA , 487
NGS sequencing , 486
SNP genotyping , 486–487
sudden cardiac death , 484–485
VAP test , 488
heart failure management
β-blockers , 490–491
BiDil , 491–492
hypertension ( see Hypertension)
lipid-lowering therapies
eNOS gene polymorphisms , 500
genetic polymorphisms, cholesterol
metabolism , 499–500
hyperlipidemia, women with ,
statins , 501
myocardial infarction (MI) , 489
nanosystems , 505–506
pharmacogenomics , 488
project euHeart , 506–507
thrombotic disorders
anticoagulant therapy , 503–504
antiplatelet therapy , 504–505
factor V Leiden mutation , 502–503
CARTaGENE project , 634
Caspase recruitment domain family, member
14 (CARD14) , 536–537
Celecoxib , 341, 557, 594
Cell cycle progression (CCP) score , 363
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing , 539–540
CellSearch™ , 301
Cell-Systematic Evolution of Ligands by
Exponential Enrichment
(Cell- SELEX) , 278
Cellular Systems Biology (CSB™) , 231

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