Textbook of Personalized Medicine - Second Edition [2015]

(Ron) #1


Human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) (cont.)
gene therapy strategies , 400–401
genetic variation , 390, 391
HIV genome, structure of , 38
host-pathogen interactions , 390–391
human body’s resistance , 391
human susceptibility, genetics of , 389–390
immune activation , 392
pharmacogenetics and drug safety ,
PhenoSenser ® GT , 400
sequencing , 399–400
therapeutic strategies , 393
vaccine , 401
Humanized monoclonal antibodies (hMAbs) ,
190, 264
Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) ,
Human Microbiome Project , 609
Huntington disease (HD) , 93, 425
Hurler’s syndrome , 544
Hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) , 260, 578–579
Hyperbilirubinemia , 143
ACE inhibitors , 496–497
antihypertensive drugs , 495
blood pressure , 494
brain angiotensin II , 495
causes and risk factors , 494
diuretic drugs , 496
and genes , 494–495
medications , 494
personalized approach, scheme of ,
pharmacogenetics, role of , 497–498
rostafuroxin, antihypertensive activity
of , 497
treatment and recommendation , 493, 495
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) , 162–163

IBD. See Infl ammatory bowel disease (IBD)
IFN-related DNA damage resistance signature
(IRDS) , 307
Ignite Institute , 617–618
Image-guided drug delivery (IGDD) , 216
Imetelstat , 245, 252
Immune disorders
blood transfusions , 563
immunosuppressive therapy , 552–553
organ transplantation ( see Organ

rheumatoid arthritis ( see Rheumatoid
arthritis (RA))
SLE , 553–554
Immunosuppressive therapy
organ transplantation , 560–561
pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics ,
Immunotherapy , 236
cancer dormancy , 239
functional antibody-based therapies , 237–239
IMmunotherapy for Prostate AdenoCarcinoma
Treatment (IMPACT) , 240–241
Indiana University (IU) , 618
Individualized medicine. See Personalized
Induced pluripotential stem cell (iPSC) , 191
I n fl ammatory bowel disease (IBD)
biomarkers , 567
incidence and prevalence of , 566
personalized management of , 567
race , 662
I n fl iximab , 557–558
Insertions and deletions (INDELs) , 13–14
Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy
(IGSP) , 616–617
Institute for Pharmacogenomics and
Individualized Therapy (IPIT) , 627
Institute of Medicine (IOM) , 619
IntegraGen , 345–346
Integrated healthcare , 1, 3, 412
Intellectual property (IP) , 404, 610, 663, 694
Interferon (IFN) , 346
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) , 554
Internal tandem duplication (ITD)
mutations , 329
International AIDS Society , 393
International Breast Intervention Study I
(IBIS-I) , 305
International Cancer Genome Consortium
(ICGC) , 368–369, 645
International Conference on Harmonization
(ICH) , 19
Interstitial lung disease
biomarkers of , 525–526
personalized management , 526
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) , 438
Invasiveness gene signature (IGS) , 218
Investigational device exemption (IDE) , 675
Irinotecan therapy , 268–269
Isotope-coded affi nity tag (ICAT) method ,
166, 167
Israel National Center for Personalized
Medicine (INCPM) , 650

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