isocratic elution, 125
mobile phases, 125
qualitative and quantitative analysis, 133
sample injection, 121
stationary phases, 124
solvent delivery systems, 120
Hydrodynamic injection, 178
Hydrogen bonding, 383
constants, 47
definition, 47
strong acid – weak base, 48
weak acid – strong base, 47
'Hyphenated' techniques, 114
Hypsochromic shift, 368
ICP-AES, 297
ICP-MS, 305
Immunogens, 468
Incredible Natural Abundance Double Quantum Transfer Experiment (2-D INADEQUATE), 419
redox, 200
selection of visual indicator for a redox titration, 200
specific and self-indicating reagents, 204
visual, 143
Inductively coupled plasma source, 308