Analytical Chemistry

(Chris Devlin) #1
acid base, 194

acid base in non-aqueous solvents, 199

amperometric, 257

applications of acid base, 199

applications of coulometric, 264

applications of EDTA, 213

applications of redox, 204

bi-amperometric, 258

complexometric, 205

conductometric, 264

coulometric, 262

end-point detection, 193

EDTA, 205

Photometric, 373

potentiometric, 243

precipitation, 215

redox, 200

visual indicators for redox, 200

with complexing agents other than EDTA, 213

Titrimetric reactions, 192

Titrimetry, 192

Trace metal techniques,

characteristics of, 512

Tracer studies, 467

Transition probability, 380


d-d, 369 , 371

charge-transfer, 369
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