Bending the Axioms—New Geometries
Lesson 36
x Spherical geometry.
x Taxicab geometry.
x taxicab geometry: If distances between two points A ͼa 1 , a 2 ͽDQGB ͼb 1 , b 2 ͽDUHPHDVXUHGE\WKH
sum of the horizontal and vertical displacements, dAB(, ) | b a 11 | |b a2 2|, rather than via the
Pythagorean theorem, and all other structures of planar geometry are left the same, then the geometry
that results is called taxicab geometry.
x The area of a spherical triangle with interior angles of measures x°, y°, and z° is
xyz 720 180 utotal surface area of the sphere.
the like, while still obeying all but one of the postulates of geometry. That way, you can develop a feel for the
degree to which a particular postulate in geometry is important and see how things drastically change if that
brand new geometry called taxicab geometry.
Example 1
In taxicab geometry, what are the distances between the following pairs of points?
Dͽ P ͼͽDQGQ ͼͽ
Eͽ P ͼíͽDQGQ ͼíͽ
Fͽ P §· ̈ ̧©¹3, 6^15 DQG4 ͼíͽ