Web User - UK (2019-07-10)

(Antfer) #1

12 10 - 23July 2019 [email protected]


Are crypto-
such as
Facebook’s new Libra
(seenewsstory on
page10) safe to use?
Dave Horgan, Facebook


Many people are
unsure about using

  • if they even know what a
    cryptocurrency is. In fact,

Chinesehackers spyon
uncovered a
backto at least
2017, which
involved the hackingof 10 mobile
phonenetworks aroundthe world
and invisibletrackingof theirusers
for monthson end.
In the report publishedby
Cybereason(bit.ly/cyber4 79 ),
researcherssaid hackers were able to
extract all raw data transmitted to
and received from a user’s phone,
allowingthemto track a person’s
location and steal personally
identifyinginformation including
logincredentials,call records, billing
information and more. Hackers in
Chinaare believed to be behindthe

only one in 10 of us fully
understands how they work.
Everyone feels comfortable
going into any branch of a
bank, because we know they
are regulated and
underwritten. Most of us are
happy to use the bank’s
online facilities, too, but I’d
argue that this trust stems
from the trust we have in
them in the real world. I don’t
think we have the samelevel
of confidence in online
equivalents – whether it’s a
currency exchange that holds
our digital money for us, or
our own digital wallet. If
cryptocurrencies are ever to
rival real-world currencies,
we all need to have the same
level of trust in them.

Consumers need to
understand what they can
do to stop cybercriminals
stealing their digital assets.
Here are some key
recommendations on the
safe use of cryptocurrencies
from Kaspersky:

  • Always verify a crypto
    wallet’s address and don’t

follow links to an online
bank or web wallet

  • Double-check recipients’
    addresses, the amount
    being sent and the
    associated fee before you
    send a transaction

  • Write down a mnemonic
    phrase that lets you
    recover a crypto wallet if
    you lose your password

  • Install high-quality
    security software such as
    Kaspersky Internet
    Security to safeguard the
    devices you use to access
    crypto wallets and trade on

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gainedentryto the mobilenetworks by
exploitinga flaw in a web server product.
“We’ve concludedwith a high level of
certaintythat the threat actor is affiliated
with Chinaand is likely state sponsored,”
said Cybereason’s report.“This attack
has widespread implications,not just for
individuals,but also for organisations
and countriesalike. This is anotherform
of cyber warfare beingusedto establish
a footholdand gather information
undercover until they are ready to strike.”
bit.ly/hackers4 79

300 milliongamers exposed
to securityflaws
A chainof vulnerabilities
has beendiscovered in
a popularPC-gaming
Research and CyberInt
uncovered securityflaws in Electronic
Arts’(EA’s) gamingclientOriginthat
could have allowed attackers to
compromisea player’s session and take

over theiraccount completely without
having to obtainany logincredentials.
Originis one of the biggest PC-
gamingplatforms,with blockbuster
titlessuchas FIFA, Madden,Battlefield,
The Simsand Star Wars Battlefront on
its roster. It has 300 millionusers
worldwide, who could have been
affected by the exploits.
Fortunately, the problemshave
now beenpatched, and there is
no evidence that they were ever
exploited by attackers. “EA’s Origin
platform is hugelypopular, and if left
unpatched, theseflaws would have
enabledhackers to hijackand exploit
millionsof users’accounts,” said
CheckPoint Research. “This shows
how susceptibleonlineapplications
are to attacksand breaches.These
[gaming]platformsare increasingly
beingtargeted by hackers because
of the hugeamountsof sensitive
customer data they hold”.
bit.ly/eaorigin4 79

Onlyonein 10of usfullyunderstands
how cryptocurrencieswork

at Kaspersky Lab
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