242 M. Luz Sanz and Isabel Mart ́ınez-Castro
Ta b l e 7. 4Polyalcohols in wine. Range in mg/L
Different wines
(De Smedt
et al. 1981)
Sweet white
(Liu and
Davis 1994)
white (Liu and
Davis 1994)
Red (Liu and
Davis 1994)
et al. 1986)
Erythritol 22–208 214 59 – 105–325
Threitol – 25 7 17–19 –
Ribitol – 23 3 106–140 –
Arabitol 0–266 18 8 83–108 17–42
Xylitol – 37 nd nd–15 22–149
0–163 237 8 4–138 tr–134
Mannitol 31–420 116 53 194–493 tr–731
Galactitol nd–9 nd nd nd–9 –
nd: not detected
superior plants, especially mannitol. The alditols appearing in wine are considered
products of fermentation.
Inositols (cyclohexanehexaols, cyclitols) are cyclic polyalcohols with general
formula C 6 H 12 O 6 (as monosaccharides) but they are markedly stable to heat, acids
and alkalis. They are also difficult to ferment.
Myo-inositol (formerly calledmeso-inositol) is present, free or combined in the
tissues of all living species, excepting maybe a few bacteria.Scyllo-inositol has
been reported in grape juice and wine (De Smedt et al. 1981; Versini et al. 1984);
it has been proposed as genuinity control (Versini et al. 1984).Chiro-inositol has
been reported in citric juices (Sanz et al. 2004) and in several wines (Carlavilla
et al. 2006). Their (Table 7.5) structures appear in Fig. 7.9.
Quercitol is a deoxyinositol (1,3,4/2,5-cyclohexanepentol) which appears in cer-
tain Dicotyledons including all theQuercusgenus (Plouvier 1963). This compound
has been found in wines aged in contact with oak wood (barrels or chips) but not in
wines aged in bottles (Carlavilla et al. 2006).
Composition in polyalcohols of oenological tannis (See Table 7.5) from different
origins (oak, grape, quebracho, gall plant,etc.) has been recentlydetermined (Sanz
et al., 2008). These compounds appear to be useful markers to differentiate among
these botanical origins.
Ta b l e 7. 5Cyclitols in wine. Range in mg/L
Different wines
(De Smedt
et al. 1981)
White and
sherries in oak
et al. 2006)
Red aged in oak
et al. 2006)
Wines without oak
contact (Carlavilla
et al. 2006)
Chiro-inositol – 2–12 18–20 0–18
Scyllo-inositol 10–143 13–59 54–67 8–71
Myo-inositol 79–1044 348–478 306–412 199–427
Quercitol – 15–39 19–69 nd
nd: not detected