2 Biochemical Transformations Produced by Malolactic Fermentation 29
- Strict heterofermenters (L. brevis, L. hilgardii)
- Facultative heterofermenters (L. casei, L. plantarum)
In the heterofermentative metabolism, glucose is transformed into lactic acid and
other compounds such as acetic acid, ethanol and carbon dioxide, as shown in
Fig. 2.1.
Fig. 2.1Schematic pathway of heterofermentative metabolism. Intermediate and final glucose
metabolism products are indicated byarrows. Catalytic enzymes are abbreviated inbold(LDH:
lactate dehydrogenase; PDH: pyruvate dehydrogenase; PFL: pyruvate-formate lyase;α-ALS: ace-
tolactate synthase) (Miyoshi et al. 2003)