Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

9D Influence of Phenolics on Wine Organoleptic Properties 535

carried out in our laboratory with anthocyanins in a wine concentration range (50–

600 mg/L) concluded that self-association could be responsible between 8% and

up to 60% of the absorbance increase at 520 nm observed in wine-like solutions,

depending on the type and concentration of the anthocyanins involved (Gonz ́alez-

Manzano et al. 2008b). Support to the existence of self-association in wines was

also be provided by the observations of di Stefano et al. (2005) that found that

young red wines deprived of the classical cofactors continued to deviate from the

Beer’s law. This situation should change in the presence of copigments. In model

assays carried out with wine anthocyanins in the presence of different mixtures of

flavanols, it was observed that self-association still contributes in some extent to the

increase the absorbance in the solutions (Gonzalez-Manzano 2007). Nevertheless,

it is necessary to take into account that flavanols are poor anthocyanin copigments

and that in wines more efficient cofactors also exist, such as flavonols or hydrox-

ycinnamic acids, which could favour intermolecular copigmentation with regard to

self-association. Further studies would be thus necessary to assess the actual effect

of self-association in the color of red wines.

Another process that influences the color of the anthocyanins and that is some-

times included as copigmentation is metal complexation. Metal cations like iron,

aluminium or magnesium can form complexes with anthocyanins that have free

o-hydroxyl groups in ring B. The metal selectively links with the quinonoidal forms

of the anthocyanin, modifying anthocyanin equilibria towards these structures and

provoking a change of the color to more violet hues (Dangles et al. 1994). Nev-

ertheless, metal complexation should not play a relevant role in wine color since
malvidin 3-glucoside, the majority anthocyanin in red wines, cannot form this type

of complex; in addition, low levels in metals should exist in wine to avoidcasses

(Riber ́eau-Gay ́on et al. 2000). At present, there is no evidence that the levels of

metal cations in wine are at all correlated with color expression (Boulton 2001).

9D.2.2.2 Type of Copigments

Different types of compounds have been evaluated as potential anthocyanin copig-

ments, including alkaloids, amino acids, nucleotides, carbohydrates or phenolic

compounds (Asen et al. 1972; Brouillard et al. 1991; Mistry et al. 1991). Many

of these compounds can be found in wine, although some of them should not be

expected to have a relevant contribution to the copigmentation phenomenon in red

wine, due to their low levels or their comparatively poor ability to act as antho-

cyanin copigments. Thus, sugars (i.e., fructose and glucose) have been found to

produce no change or slightly increase the absorbance of anthocyanin solutions

even at high concentrations (50% in water) (Lewis et al. 1995). Similar observations

were made for polysaccharides like pectins (Lewis et al. 1995) or mannoproteins.

Guadalupe et al. (2007) observed that wines elaborated with addition of commercial

mannoproteins or inoculation of must with yeast over-expressing mannoproteins

had lower values of color intensity than controls at the end of fermentation and that

these differences increased during malolactic fermentation and aging; this observa-

tion would question the usual belief thatpolysaccharides may protect wine color.

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