Wine Chemistry and Biochemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

13 Statistical Techniques for the Interpretation of Analytical Data 683

TheFcalratio is also the result of a statistical method known as theone-way

Analysis of Variance(ANOVA), which assumes the modelxi,j=μj+εi,jfor each

observationxi,j,whereεi,jare the independent and normally distributed random

errors (εi,j ∼ N(0,σ)), and which has as objective to testH 0 ≡μ 1 =μ 2 =

...=μk. The results of the ANOVA procedure, which include the decomposition

of the total sum of squares of the deviation of all observations around the general

mean (SStotal=


j= 1


i= 1

(xi,j−x ̄)^2 ) in two parts: the sum of the deviations between

the groups (SSbetween=


j= 1

nj( ̄xj−x ̄)^2 ) and the sum of the deviations within the

groups (SSwithin=


j= 1


i= 1

(xi,j−x ̄j)^2 ), with their df, (n−1)=(k−1)+(n−k), their

mean squares,MSSbetween=SSbetween/(k−1) andMSSwithin=SSwithin/(n−k),

and the value of the statisticFcal=


, withk− 1 and n−kdf, along

with their associated probability values (P), are summarized in the corresponding

ANOVA table.

To check the assumptions of the model, Bartlett’s or Levene’s tests can be used

to assess the assumption of equality of variance, and the normal probability plot

of the residuals (ei,j =xi,j−x ̄j) to assess the assumption of normality. If either

equality or normality are inappropriate, we can transform the data, or we can

use the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test to compare thekgroups. In any case,

the ANOVA procedure is insensitive to moderate departures from the assumptions

(Massart et al. 1990). Example of Application of One-Way ANOVA

One-way ANOVA has been used to determine if there are significant differences

between varietal wines (Pozo-Bay ́on et al. 2001), to compare the concentrations

from seven laboratories for a same reference sample (Massart et al. 1990), to

compare the biogenic amine contents inthe wines grouped according to the type

of aging (Marcobal et al. 2005), or from five wineries (Mart ́ın-Alvarez et al. 2006), ́

and more generally, to compare the mean values ofk groups of independent

observations. Tables 13.4 to 13.6 show the results of the application of one-way

ANOVA for octanoic acid content in four varietal wines, obtained with the

STATISTICA program (One-way ANOVA procedure in the ANOVAmodule).

Table 13.4Results of the application of one-way ANOVA for octanoic acid content in four varietal
wines. ANOVA table:

Source of Degrees of Sums of Mean square
variation: freedom (df) Squares (SS) (MSS) F-value P-Value

Variety 3 176.7010 58.9003 29.6947 0. 000008 ∗
Error 12 23.8024 1.9835
Total 15 200.5034
∗There is a statistically significant difference between the four means.

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