Ralph Vince - Portfolio Mathematics

(Brent) #1

Laws of Growth, Utility, and Finite Streams 229

value, which will then yield a nonuniform optimalfvalue (one whose value
changes from one holding period to the next).
Such readers are forewarned, however, that they will still pay the con-
sequences, in terms of their wealth, for being suboptimal in then+1 di-
mensional leverage space of wealth maximization. Again, this is so be-
cause, regardless of your utility preference curve, you are somewhere in the
leverage space of Figure 9.2 for individual games, and somewhere in the
n+1 dimensional leverage space for multiple simultaneous games. You
reap the benefits of this, as well as pay the consequences, no matter what
your utility preference function. Ideally, you will have a utility preference
function and it will be ln.

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