Ralph Vince - Portfolio Mathematics

(Brent) #1

The Leverage Space Model 305

The Objective Function

The objective function we wish to maximize is the geometric mean HPR,
simply calledG:

G(f 1 ...fn)=


k= 1




k= 1




where: n=The number of scenario spectrums (market systems or
portfolio components).
m=The possible number of combinations of outcomes
between the various scenario spectrums (market
systems) based on how many scenarios are in each set.
m=The number of scenarios in the first spectrum*the
number of scenarios in the second spectrum*...*the
number of scenarios in thenth spectrum.
Prob=The sum of probabilities of allmof the HPRs for a given
set offvalues. Probkis the sum of the values in
brackets{}in Equation (9.02) for allmvalues of a given
set offvalues.
HPR=The holding period return of eachk. This is given as:



1 +


i= 1



where: n=The number of components (scenario spectrums, i.e.,
market systems) in the portfolio.
fi=Thefvalue being used for componenti.
fimust be>0, and can be infinitely high (i.e., can
be greater than 1.0).
PLk,i=The outcome profit or loss for theith component (i.e.,
scenario spectrum or market system) associated with the
kth combination of scenarios.
BLi=The worst outcome of scenario spectrum (market

We can estimate Probkin the earlier equation forGas:


(n− 1

i= 1

( n

j=i+ 1


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