Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1


Although many of the design elements Apple
introduces to its devices and ecosystems seem
small and insignificant, they combine to create
truly unbeatable product experiences. Take
the Mac, for example; Apple issued a patent
dating back to 2002 for a “Breathing Status
LED Indicator”, which mimics the rhythm of
breathing which is psychologically appealing.
The firm discontinued its iconic MagSafe
charging adaptor and charging lights a few years
ago, but with a design of the MacBook range
expected, and MagSafe returning, we could
see this feature come back. It is true that the
iPhone is now Apple’s major jewel in its crown,
but it’s the Mac where the firm really made its
name, and the miniature design elements and
tweaks over the years have made the Mac the
world’s most respected computing brand. Siri,
for example, on macOS, will automatically slow
the internal fan speed to better hear your voice,
whilst MacBooks are designed so that they can
be opened with just one finger, thanks to a
groove on the front lip.

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