Techlife News - USA (2021-12-25)

(Antfer) #1

Apple’s attention to design extends beyond its
product portfolio, too. According to one report,
Steve Jobs was a stickler for the details and
tasked Apple Store designer Tim Kobe with the
job of developing wall panels for the Apple Store
that were both reflective and matte. Kobe told
Bloomberg that the design took three months
to develop, revealing that Steve Jobs kept
rejecting the ideas until the designers were able
to “do the most impossible thing” by making
a matte surface reflective. Today, the Apple
Store is an iconic part of the Apple experience
and contributes billions of dollars in Apple
device sales, serving as a touchpoint for users
and cementing Apple’s dominance and brand
position in key retail spots around the world.
Apple even used curved glass canopies at Apple
Park to deflect the rain, meaning that water will
roll off the surface of the Campus and not
pool on the glass or cause unsightly streaks.

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