(Marcin) #1

Pediatric thoracic trauma is associated with significant morbidity and
mortality. Additionally, thoracic injuries are often associated with multi-system
involvement. Optimal treatment includes a systematic approach to resuscitation
and thorough evaluation for life-threatening injuries.


  1. Krug EG, Sharma GK, Lozano R. The global burden of injuries. Am J
    Public Health. 2000;90:523-526.

  2. Schalamon J, vBismarck S, Schober PH, et al: Multiple trauma in
    pediatric patients. Pediatr Surg Int. 2003;19:417-423.

  3. Moore MA, Wallace EC, Westra SJ. Chest trauma in children: Current
    imaging guidelines and techniques. Radiol Clin N Am. 2011;49:949-968.

  4. Bliss D, Silen M. Pediatric thoracic trauma. Crit Care Med.
    2002;30:S409-415. doi:10.1097/01.ccm.0000035101.54909.98.

  5. Hammer MR, Dillman JR, Chong ST, et al. Imaging in pediatric thoracic
    trauma. Semin Roentgenol. 2012;47:135-146. doi:

  6. Markel TA, Kumar R, KoontzNA, et al. The utility of computed
    tomography as a screening tool for the evaluation of pediatric blunt chest
    trauma. J Trauma Inj Infect Crit Care. 2009;67:23-28.

  7. Hamilton NA, Bucher BT, Keller MS. The significance of first rib fractures
    in children. J Pediatr Surg. 2011;46:169-712.

  8. Ranasinghe AM, Hyde JAJ, Graham TR. Management of flail chest.
    Trauma 2001;3:235-247.

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