Cliffs AP Chemistry, 3rd Edition

(singke) #1

Nuclear Chemistry

Key Terms

Words that can be used as topics in essays:

alpha particle, α half-life
beta particle, β isotopes
binding energy mass defect
chain reaction nuclear transformation
decay series nucleon
Einstein equation nuclide
electron capture positron
first-order rate constant rate of decay
fission transmutation
fusion transuranium elements
gamma radiation, γ zone of stability

Key Concepts

  • t 12 /=0 693.k

  • lncmxx^0 =kt

x 0 = original number of nuclides at time 0
x= number of nuclides at time t

  • ∆E = ∆mc^2

c = 3.00 × 108 m ⋅sec–1


∆E = 9.00 × 1010 kJ ⋅ g–1⋅ ∆m

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