(4–20: Common Oxidation State Changes)
- Cl 2 dilute basic sol’n ClO-
- Cl 22 conc. basic sol’n ClO-
- Cl-"Cl 2 (or other halide)
- Na →Na+(free metal)
- NO 2 --"NO 3
- HNO 32 "NO
(conc.) - HNO 3 "NO
(dilute) - Sn2+→Sn4+
- MnO 4 - "Mn^2 +
(in acid sol’n) - MnO 2 "Mn^2 +
(in acid sol’n) - MnO 42 - "MnO
(in neutral or
basic sol’n) - HSO SO 24 " 2
(hot, conc.) - SO 322 --or SO 2 _iaq "SO 4
- Na 2 O 2 →NaOH
- H 2 O 2 →H 2 O + O 2
- HClO 4 →Cl–
- Cr O 2 72 -3"Cr+
(in acid )
XXI. Synthesis Reactions (A + B →AB) - Solid calcium oxide is added to silicon dioxide and the mixture is heated strongly:
CaO + SiO 2 →CaSiO 3 - Hydrogen gas is mixed with oxygen gas and the mixture is sparked:
H 2 + O 2 →H 2 O - Boron trichloride gas and ammonia gas are mixed:
BCl 3 + NH 3 →BCl 3 NH 3
If this compound is not familiar, try drawing a Lewis diagram to see how it is put
Part II: Specific Topics