To determine the purity of the ASA that was produced, the student then measured out
0.400 g of the ASA that he produced and treated it with NaOH followed by the Fe−Cl 3 −
KCl−HCl solution and then diluted as before. The transmittance of the Fe3+complex pro-
duced from a 5 mL aliquot of ASA synthesized in this experiment was 14%. The reason
that the transmittance was taken was because transmittance is a linear scale and the read-
ings were more precisely obtained. Convert the %T to absorbance.
A = 2.000 −log (%T) = 2.000 −log(14) = 0.854
- From the Beer’s law plot, determine the concentration of the ASA produced.
From Figure 2, an absorbance of 0.854 corresponds to a 4.27× 10 –4M concentration of
the salicylate complex. - Calculate the mass of ASA in the sample produced.
4.27 10 mol ASA
1 mol ASA
180.17 g ASA
# 100. mL standard sol’n
= ##
1000 mL
5.00 mL
- mL
##=0.385 g - Calculate the percent ASA in the sample produced.
g sample %.%
0 400
0 385
# 100 =96 3
- The melting point of the ASA produced was determined as 134 °C as compared to the
known value of 135 °C. Comment on the disparity.
The melting point of the ASA is very close to known literature values. The melting
occurred over a very narrow range and was distinct. This confirms a fairly pure synthesis
of 96.3%.
Laboratory Manual Resources
- Vonderbrink, SallyAnn, Laboratory Experiments for Advanced Placement Chemistry,
Flinn Scientific, Inc., Publishers, Batavia, IL, 1995. - Chemical Education Resources, Inc., Modular Laboratory Program in Chemistry,
Palmyra, PA.
Part III: AP Chemistry Laboratory Experiments