Scientific Notation
Try to use scientific notation when writing your answers. For example, instead of writing
1,345,255, write 1.345255 × 106. Remember always to write one digit, a decimal point, the rest
of the digits (making sure to use only the correct number of significant figures), and then times
10 to the proper power. An answer such as 0.000045 should be written 4.5 × 10 –5(2 s.f.). Also,
don’t forget that when you multiply exponents you add them and when you divide exponents
you subtract them. Your chemistry textbook or math book probably has a section that covers
significant figures, logs, antilogs, scientific notation, and the like. If your math background or
algebra skills are weak, you must thoroughly review and polish these skills before attempting
to do the problems in this book.
Absolute error =Experimental value −Accepted value
%%error=actual measuredactual- # 100
Consider the following expression:
(... )
4 3422 %
32 56 0 4303 0 08700
The % error for each term is
Term Calculation % Error
32.5 6 ± 0.01 [(32.56 + 0.01) – 32.56/32.56] · 100% 0.0307
0.430 3 ± 0.0001 [(0.4303 + 0.0001) – 0.4303/0.4303] · 100% 0.0232
0.0870 0 ± 0.00001 [(0.08700 + 0.00001) – 0.08700/0.08700] · 100% 0.0115
4.342 2 ± 0.0001 [(4.3422 + 0.0001) – 4.3422/4.3422] · 100% 0.0023
Adding up the % errors: 0.0307 + 0.0232 + 0.0115 + 0.0023 =0.0677% and
(... )
4 3422 %
32 56 0 4303 0 08700
# =28.07147 with 0.0677% error
reported as 28.07 ± 0.01
Use the term with the largest possible error (32.5 6 ± 0.01) for significant numbers.
Two types of errors may affect the accuracy of a measured value:
(a) determinate errors — errors that are instrumental, operative and involved in the methodol-
ogy. These types of errors can be avoided or corrected.
(b) indeterminate errors — accidental and/or random. These types of errors cannot be esti-
mated or predicted except through the use of probability theory and follow a Gaussian
Questions Commonly Asked About the AP Chemistry Exam
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