Street Photography for the Purist

(coco) #1

That’s what I aim to achieve. If I become the “fly-on-the-
wall,” the viewer will become that as well.
I may not see vintage clothes on vintage children who are now
our grandmothers and grandfathers, but I see life around me
Street photography is life.
In a pure and raw form.
It happens now.
It happened then.
It happens in an instant.
And in that instant the photographer should know his or her
equipment extremely well.
No-auto-anything. No auto-program will see it like the
photographer sees it.
The street photographer has their aperture and shutter speed setwherever they are.

Is it sunny?
Am I in the shade?
Is it the same value everywhere because it’s overcast?
Is the non-natural (e.g., tungsten or even candles) ambient light
affecting how my subject’s will be lit?
These are all questions that should be going through the
photographer’s mind.

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