the context of skyrocketing wage differences between executives and workers, with the minimum wage
trending lower and lower when adjusting for inflation, the idea of a business owned by its workers,
sharing its profits among its workers is very appealing to those with disadvantaged economic status (US
Department of Labor, 2012; Davis, 2014).
The US Federation of Worker Cooperatives has published a list of principles for worker cooperatives and
the cooperative movement (US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, n.d.). The goal of the federation is
to empower cooperatives and promote coexistence in which all members can benefit from working
2.1.2 Food Production in and around Worcester
In the last decade urban farming systems have experienced great success due to the innovation and the
novel farming methods introduced in these areas. Given the dynamic and challenging urban conditions,
innovation support to urban producers should focus strongly on building their problem-solving
capacities (Critchley W, 2007). Worcester sustains three Saturday farmers markets during the summer
and one throughout the winter. The Regional Environmental Council (REC) runs farmers markets six days
a week. Steve Fisher, executive director of the REC has confirmed the importance of this urban
agricultural growth "We are at a moment where cities like Worcester are identifying that the agricultural
sector is a serious part of the economy. It can have so many benefits, for the economy, for health and
for the urban environment" (Critchley W, 2007).
The table below shows the increasing trend seen in agriculture in the Worcester County area. The
statistics show that a 0.64% increase in the number of farms in the Worcester county over the five year
period. The average farm size also increased by an acre, the market value of all agricultural products has
experienced a slight increase, this shows that the agricultural sector has experienced steady growth in
the last five years.
Figure 13. Agriculture in Worcester County
As well, in the City of Worcester agriculture has been growing, with the Regional Environment Council
(REC) providing support for community gardens, and even urban community farms like Nuestro Huerto
opening up.
2.2 Aquaponics as an Approach to Urban Food Production
Aquaponics is a bio-integrated food system which allows for the production of both plants and animals
for consumption. Aquaponics can be defined as the integration of hydroponics and aquaculture. Plants