Though the data suggest that lack of natural sunlight and the extreme cold temperatures. It is possible
to run the greenhouse through the winter months. We decided this would work it would be more
expensive to restock the system once a year than it would be to run it constantly with heating over a
three year period. A phone interview with Eric Vinje a representative from Planet Natural suggested that
we also run the greenhouse year round and if the cost was too high we could then consider closing it
down for the colder months of the year.
The Operating schedule also specifies three types of planting seasons. The warm and the cool climate
plants. Cool climate plants usually have edible leaves or roots (lettuce, spinach, carrots, and radishes);
others (artichokes, broccoli, and cauliflower) are grown for their immature flowers. A few of these
plants (peas, broad beans) produce edible seeds. Warm season plants require higher temperatures and
once the fruit begins to germinate it needs up to two months of frost-free weather to reach maturity.
These warm season crops include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and eggplants. The weather in
Massachusetts prevents these crops from being planted until the summer months hence the schedule
reflects the two growing seasons. (Greenline, 2010) The third type "winter crops" refers strictly to plants
which have thick leaves such a lettuce, they are more resistant to colder temperatures and will be easier
to grow in the winter when the constraints of temperature and nutrients are more stringent.