Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

Intrinsic Viscosity. Table 5.2 gives some values for the viscosity of
20 %solutions; it is seen that for some neutral solutes the outcome does not
greatly differ from what is calculated by Eq. (5.11) with ½ZŠ¼ 2 :5. This
suggests that the Einstein equation (5.6) can reasonably well apply to
particles of molecular size. However, the agreement is far from perfect, and
several factors may cause ½ZŠto deviate markedly from the value 2.5,
generally being larger. Some variables are following.

FIGURE5.6 Relative viscosityðZrelÞas a function of volume fraction of spherical
particlesðjÞaccording to Eq. (5.11), for two values ofjmax, indicated near the
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