Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

Some Complications. Above it is implicitly assumed that the
diffusion coefficient in the Stokes–Einstein relation (5.16) equals that in
Fickian diffusion. This is an oversimplification:

  1. In Eq. (5.17) and derived equations, activities rather than
    concentrationsðcÞshould be used. If the activity coefficientsðgÞ
    differ significantly from unity, this can be accounted for by
    multiplying the diffusion coefficient by a factorð 1 þdlng=dlncÞ.

  2. Individual ions (say, Ca^2 þ) cannot diffuse independently since
    they must be accompanied by counterions (say, SO^24 or 2Cl), to
    keep the solution electroneutral. (The distance between an ion and
    its counterion will be on the order of the Debye length 1=k: see
    Section 6.3.2.) Moreover, neutral species (say, CaSO 4 ) will also be
    transported if they show a concentration gradient. The diffusion
    coefficient of an ionizable component thus is a kind of average of
    those of the species involved.

  3. Equation (5.15) concerns self-diffusion, and mass transport
    involves mutual diffusion: if the solute diffuses in one direction,
    then the solvent does so in the opposite one. A kind of average
    diffusion coefficient must be taken, and only for low solute
    concentrations is it about equal to the self-diffusion coefficient of
    the solute, taking the viscosity of the solvent. This is primarily
    because solute concentration will generally affect the viscosity of
    the solution; in most cases it is higher than that of the solvent.

  4. Mutual diffusion may go along with a change in volume, since
    many solute–solvent mixtures have a different volume (mostly a
    smaller volume) than the sum of that of both components. This
    implies that the frame of reference moves; for instance, the
    original interface between two layers of different concentration
    moves, and this means that some transport by flow occurs also.

Question 1

A way to study diffusion rate in liquids not hindered by convection is to separate the
liquids into two large stirred compartments by means of a disk of sintered glass.
Assume that the one component contains a 10%sucrose solution and the other
initially is water. Both compartments are stirred. The sintered glass disk is 3 cm in
radius and 3 mm in thickness; the void volume (i.e., available for the liquid) fraction
in the disk is 0.25. How much time would it roughly take for 1 gram of sucrose to
diffuse through the disk?

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