Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1

A. E. Scheidegger. The Physics of Flow through Porous Media. Oxford Univ. Press,
London, 1960.

Diffusion in gels and similar materials is reviewed by

A. H. Muhr, J. M. V. Blanshard. Diffusion in gels. Polymer 23(7, suppl.), (1982)

A review on drying, including factors affecting diffusion coefficients, is

S. Bruin, K. Luyben. Drying of food materials: a review of recent developments. In:
A. S. Mujumbar, ed. Advances in Drying, Vol. 1. Hemisphere, Washington,
1980, p. 155.

Some articles on osmotic dehydration are in

G. V. Barbosa-Ca ́novas, J. Welti-Chanes, eds. Food Preservation by Moisture
Control. Technomic, Lancaster, PA, 1995.

Properties of ‘‘edible films’’ made to retard diffusional transport in foods are
discussed in

J. M. Krochta, E. A. Baldwin, M. O. Nisperos-Carriedo, eds. Edible Coatings and
Films to Improve Food Quality. Technomic, Lancaster, PA, 1994.

Especially the introductory chapter by I. G. Donhowe and O. R. Fennema provides
useful understanding.

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