Physical Chemistry of Foods

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be described as a random chain ofn^0 ‘‘statistical chain elements’’
of average lengthb, wheren^0 b¼nL. Any statistical chain element
thus containsb=Lmonomers, and the ratiob=Lis a measure of the
stiffness of the chain.
Note Some theories use the concept of persistence lengthq, where
effectively 2q¼b.

Eq. (6.1) now reads

rm¼bHn^0 ð 6 : 3 Þ

This would imply that the specific volume occupied by the
polymer becomes larger than predicted by (6.1), by a factor
ðb=LÞ^1 :^5. Experimental values forb/Lrarely are below 4 and can
be much larger; Table 6.1 gives some examples.
It is also seen in Table 6.1 that the number of statistical
chain elementsnL/bmay be fairly small. Ifn^0 is smaller than about
25, Eq. (6.3) is not valid any more because the average distribution
of the segments is not gaussian any more. Instead, the molecule
assumes an elongated form, andrmwill be larger than predicted
by Eq. (6.3). The extreme is a stiff rodlike molecule of lengthnL.
Some linear homopolymers tend to form a regular helix. A
case in point is amylose, which tends to form a helix in aqueous
solutions. Nevertheless, also in this case Eq. (6.2) may remain

FIGURE6.4 The effect of the stiffness of a polymer chain on its conformational
freedom. This is illustrated for a two-dimensional case, with a fixed, obtuse bond
angle, implying two possible conformations at each bond. Although over a distance
of two or three segments, the position cannot vary at random, this is possible over a
distance of, say, 5 segments, as illustrated. The broken lines would then indicate the
statistical chain elements.

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