Physical Chemistry of Foods

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the phases is very small, 10^7 to 10^4 N?m^1 , being higher for greater
An important case of incompatibility is formed by mixtures ofproteins
and neutral polysaccharides. Examples are in Figure 6.20. It is seen that the
phase diagrams may be very asymmetric, the protein concentrations needed
for phase separation being much larger than the polysaccharide concentra-
tion. The asymmetry is stronger for globular proteins than for more or less
unfolded molecules like gelatin or casein. Proteins are polyelectrolytes, and
if the pH is not close to the isoelectric point and the ionic strength is low,
phase separation does not occur. This is due to the Donnan effect (Section
6.3.3). The presence of counterions implies that phase separation would go
along with separation of salt ions, causing considerable loss of mixing
entropy. This, of course, counteracts any decrease in enthalpy due to phase
separation. As seen in Table 6.2, the relative difference in salt concentration
between the ‘‘compartments’’ decreases with ionic strength, and it almost
vanishes at 0.1 molar. It is indeed observed that phase separation only
occurs at ionic strengths of 0.1 molar or higher, unless the pH is near the
isoelectric point of the protein. In the latter case a low salt content promotes
phase separation, presumably because the solubility of the protein strongly

FIGURE6.20 Examples of incompatibility of proteins and polysaccharides. (After
results by V. B. Tolstoguzov.)

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