Physical Chemistry of Foods

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TABLE7.1 Continued

Name of acid Symbolsa Side chain Reactive group pKb Fc Fd

Tryptophan Trp W Indole 14.2 5.8

Histidine His H Imidazole 6.4 2.1 < 0

Proline Pro P (Note e) 5.9?

aThree-letter and one-letter symbols are given.bpH of 50%ionization at zero ionic strength in an unfolded peptide chain.
cHydrophobicity of side group (kJ per mole of residues) from relative solubility of amino acids in water and ethanol or dioxane.
dSame, from relative solubility of side chain analogues in water and in cyclohexane.
eSecondary amino acid:


Chapter 7
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