Physical Chemistry of Foods

(singke) #1
theless, it is mostly not possible to predict the higher structures from the
primary structure. One reason is that the number of possible primary
structures is, for all purposes, infinite. As an example we take proteins of 100
residues (most proteins are far larger), of which 20^100 & 10130 different
primary structures can exist! Even if one assumes that many interchanges of
amino acids would not materially alter the properties of the protein, taking
the effective number of different residues to be as small as six, this leads to
6100 & 1078 different species. Assuming that of each of those one molecule
existed, their total mass would be the number times the average residue
molar massð& 0 :12 kg?mol^1 Þover Avogadro’s number, i.e.,& 1053 kg,
which is greater than the presumed total mass of the universe.
The actual variation in primary structure really is very great. Some
proteins have a fairly regular structure, like collagen, where the greater part
of the amino acid sequence consists of repeats of Gly-Pro-Pro or Gly-Pro-
Lys, of which the third residue may be hydroxylated. By far most proteins
have much more intricate primary structures. Some of these are illustrated
in Figure 7.1; note the difference in structural heterogeneity.
Figure 7.2 shows the configuration and dimensions of apeptide unit.
Thepeptide bondhas some special features, since the electron distribution
over the O, C, and N of the bond is intermediate between that of the two

This causes the peptide bond to be flat: rotation about the CO 22 NH axis is
not possible. The bond is in the trans configuration, which is far more stable
than the cis one. The peptide bond also has a significant dipole moment of
3.5 Debye units; this implies that it tends to be hydrated. The H of the 22 NH
group can act as a donor, the 55 O as a hydrogen acceptor in forming
hydrogen bonds.
Figure 7.2 gives an idea about theflexibility of the peptide unit;
rotation about thecandjangles is possible. This rotation is by no means
unlimited, because the side groups sterically prevent several conformations,
according to their size and shape. Even in the case of polyglycine (side group
22 H), some bond angles are clearly preferred. The peptide chain would have
about 4 degrees of (conformational) freedom per peptide unit, though this
may vary with the side groups involved. An unfolded peptide chain is much
more flexible than most polysaccharide chains.

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